It offers the greatest on-the-fly code completion, automated refactorings, and error prevention.It takes your code and perfectly translates its structure, to back up all of PHP language features for modern projects.The PhpStorm eap download has a major framework support, as it is suitable for working with WordPress, Symfony, Laravel, Joomla!, Yii, Zend Framework, Drupal, and other frameworks. However, we’ll discuss some of the high-performance features here. PhpStorm 2017 is enriched with all features included in WebStorm.

What’s new in the PhpStorm 2017.1 download? It basically provides users with PHP, HTML, and JavaScript alongside code analysis, automated refactorings and error prevention. With this version, the suite has now reached PhpStorm 2017.

PhpStorm is a smart PHP IDE, developed by JetBrains in 2009 for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.